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Showing Articles In: California

Closing the California Clean Energy Divide: Reducing Electric Bills in Affordable Multifamily Rental Housing with Solar+Storage

Analysis demonstrating the economic viability of solar plus storage in affordable housing. CleanEnergy Group, California Hous [...]

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Resolution Authorizing Non-competitive Contract Solicitation for Energy Savings: Fremont

Resolution citing CA Government Code 4217 authorizing public agencies to contract for energy savings without conducting a com [...]

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Streamlining Infill Development by CEQA: Climate Action Plan Appendix: Sacramento

Climate Action Plan Policies and Programs- General Plan (Appendix B). Policies applied to streamline development though CEQA [...]

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RFP for Solar PPA: Sacramento Regional Sanitation District

Power Purchase Agreement Request for Proposals:RFP for PPA solar project to offset on-site load. Sacramento Regional Sanitati [...]

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Carbon Mitigation Fee Ordinance: City of Watsonville

City of Watsonville Carbon Fund Program ordinance establishing a mitigation fee to assist in achieving climate action plan (C [...]

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Streamlining Infill Development by CEQA Tiering: Sacramento

Example of a Sustainable Communities Environmental Assessment Initial Study for a development that was eligible for streamlin [...]

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