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Creating a common vision of Building Decarbonization in New York

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Our coalition builds a table for a diverse set of stakeholders to come together around a common goal - decarbonizing the built environment in New York State. We work to create a shared vision, build strategy, and execute that strategy to achieve massive emission reductions and improvements in public health, with a focus on affordable housing and disadvantaged communities. At the same time, we work closely with labor to ensure that building decarbonization creates good union jobs in New York and opportunities for entry into unions for residents of environmental justice communities.
  • Focus on bills which support a right-sizing of the gas system, remove barriers toward decarbonization, create opportunities for neighborhood-scale decarbonization solutions, address key equity concerns, and create thousands of union jobs.
  • Advancing the first-in-the nation Utility Thermal Networks at scale
  • Reorient regulators and utilities to neighborhood-scale decarbonization and right-sizing the gas system
  • Ensuring that state agencies–especially the Public Service Commission and Department of Environmental Conservation– adopt regulations that implement the aggressive clean energy transition targets and goals in the Climate Action Council’s Scoping Plan
  • Convening policymakers, utilities, manufacturers, builders, designers, labor groups, environmental groups, and environmental justice organizations.
  • Creating spaces where experts across industries work together to solve complex problems and create innovative policies to transition buildings off fossil fuel use and onto clean energy.

Leading the way to building electrification

BDC is working with a coalition of policymakers, utilities, manufacturers, builders, designers, labor unions, environmental groups, and environmental justice organizations to make swift and equitable transition off of fossil fuels an unequivocal priority. We do this by focusing on coalition building, legislation, and regulation.

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Electric appliances deliver comfort, controlled costs, and cleaner air inside and outside your home. Resources created and curated by BDC are available to support members in their electrification journeys.