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Showing Articles In: International

Water-Smart Buildings: The Potential of Thermal Energy Networks to Cool Buildings & Conserve Water

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Lunch and Learn Webinars

November 9, 2022:  Zonal    Electrification w/ PGE Webinar Recording Slides New! Summary of the event Check out the conversat [...]

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Global Carbon Budget

This website provides detailed histograms of carbon emissions by country and by energy over the last several decades. Carbon [...]

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Canada’s Climate Retrofit Mission: Why the climate emergency demands an innovation-oriented policy for building retrofits

A report quantifying and comparing the cost, retrofit models, and innovative policy opportunities of two potential timelines [...]

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Project Drawdown: Climate Solutions

This robust list of climate solutions by sector, which they call the Drawdown Framework, shows potential impact of those solu [...]

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Embodied Carbon Policy Framework for Cities

The City Policy Framework for Dramatically Reducing Embodied Carbon explores and compares various embodied carbon policies. D [...]

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