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Showing Articles In: California

Residential Building Electrification in California

This study evaluates the consumer economics, greenhouse gas savings and grid impacts of electrification in residential low-ri [...]

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Energy + Environmental Economics: Residential Building in CA- Consumer Economics, Greenhouse Gasses and Grid Impacts

Assessment of impacts of electrifying residential buildings in California. E3, April 2019 DOWNLOAD NOW

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Renovation Reach Code – Carlsbad

Carlsbad’s reach code requires specific measures for low-rise residential remodels in excess of $60,000 valuation, with an ex [...]

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Roadmap to Decarbonize California’s Buildings

Roadmap to Decarbonize California's Buildings Building Decarbonization Coalition lays out a plan for the state to cut buildin [...]

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Climate Change and Health in California: NRDC

Issue brief on how climate change is affecting the health of Californians -- more heat-related illnesses, breathing and heart [...]

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Tenant Protection Principles & SOMAH Case Study- San Joaquin Valley Pilots

Proposed principles for tenant protections under the Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing Program. These principles are ap [...]

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