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Clean Building Compass

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BDC Reports

The Future of Heat: Thermal Energy Networks as an Evolutionary Path for Gas Utilities Toward a Safe, Equitable, Just Energy Transition

Explores the potential of utility thermal energy networks (UTENs) to drive widespread decarbonization, offering benefits like emissions reductions, equitable energy access, and cost savings. It calls for legal and regulatory innovations to support UTEN development.
Neighborhood Scale, Thermal Energy Networks (TENs)
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BDC Reports

Water-Smart Buildings: The Potential of Thermal Energy Networks to Cool Buildings & Conserve Water

Reveals that replacing conventional heating and evaporative cooling systems with thermal energy networks saves millions of gallons of water each year
Thermal Energy Networks (TENs)
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Philadelphia Building Decarbonization Workforce Impacts and Opportunities

Building Electrification Institute, Economy League
Finds that by deploying multiple fossil fuel-free technologies and collaborating closely with the existing workforce, Philadelphia can create new economic innovation opportunities for its municipally-owned gas utility and career paths for its workers while addressing climate change
Electrification, Jobs/Workforce, Thermal Energy Networks (TENs)
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A Managed and Timely Transition Lowers Cost and Risk

Climate Solutions
Concludes that in Washington a managed and timely transition (starting by 2025) would allow gas utilities to plan for the energy transition, cut climate pollution significantly and protect low-income ratepayers
Gas Planning
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Healthy, Climate-Resilient Homes for All: Centering Housing Justice and Health Equity in Building Decarbonization

NRDC, BEEP Coalition, CRPE, CVAQ, LCEA, PODER, PSR LA, and Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability
Addresses how racist policies and practices create poorer housing quality for the most at-risk communities, summarizes the evidence that poorer housing quality contributes to health disparities, outlines risks and opportunities of building decarbonization and provides recommendations for equitable building decarbonization policies and programs.
Equity, Health Effects
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BDC Reports

The Future of Gas in Illinois

The future of gas in Illinois is fraught with financial risks for customers, utilities and their investors, and even taxpayers and to avoid the worst outcomes of this future, a managed transition that equitably decarbonizes entire neighborhoods and communities is needed
Gas Planning
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How to Develop a Thermal Energy Network

Vermont Community Thermal Networks
Provides a comprehensive walkthrough of how to develop a thermal energy network including identifying opportunities and understanding ownership
Thermal Energy Networks (TENs)
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Decarbonization Without Displacement

Climate + Community Project
Examines the current state of IRA funding for rental housing, challenges it may pose, and ideas for how IRA can be improved to benefit tenants
Equity, Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
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BDC Reports

Decarbonizing the Obligation to Serve

Analyzes the obligation to serve statute across the U.S. and recommends a course of action for how to modify it in order to enable neighborhood-scale building decarbonization
Neighborhood Scale
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Benefit-Cost Analysis of Targeted Electrification and Gas Decommissioning in California

Energy + Environmental Economics
Develops a benefit-cost analysis framework integrating site-specific estimates of gas infrastructure avoided costs to enable detailed examination of cost-effectiveness for specific example projects
Financing and Incentives, Gas Planning
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Legal Memos

Implications of California Restaurant Association v. City of Berkeley Ninth Circuit Decision

Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger
Summarizes the key findings of the decision, discusses its immediate impact for local governments with similar ordinances, and addresses decarbonization efforts local governments might continue to pursue should the decision remain good law
Building Codes
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BDC Reports

Neighborhood Scale: The Future of Building Decarbonization

This whitepaper posits a framework for scaling up building decarbonization in order to reach our ambitious climate goals
Neighborhood Scale, Thermal Energy Networks (TENs)
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The Clean Building Compass is made possible with a generous grant from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District and the support of our partners at the Bay Area Regional Collaborative and those on the Compass Advisory Committee.

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