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Showing Articles In: Climate Action and Planning

Embodied Carbon Building Code

Embodied Carbon Building Code: An overlay of model code language for limiting the climate impact of building products introdu [...]

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Costs and Impacts of Methane Gas

Presentation on the costs and climate change impacts of fugitive methane emissions. Sustainable Analytics DOWNLOAD NOW  

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Carbon Offset Ordinance, Proposed: San Luis Obispo

Proposed ordinance and staff report establishing a climate offset program for new mixed-fuel buildings. Explores options to c [...]

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Climate Action Plan Excise Tax: Boulder, Colorado

Text of Boulder's Climate Action Excise Tax as extended to 2023 (2015) Supplemental Materials (click to download) History of [...]

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10 Steps to a Zero Carbon City

A consolidated list of measures for cities to move toward a Zero Carbon future. Menlo Spark, 2019.

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Global Carbon Budget

This website provides detailed histograms of carbon emissions by country and by energy over the last several decades. Carbon [...]

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