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Zero Emission Building Ordinances

The Building Decarbonization Coalition’s policy tracker reflects adopted state and local government policies that address building specific operational fuel types and related emissions in the United States. Energy efficiency-only policies are not tracked on the site. Explore the map below to see details.

Following an April 2023 ruling by the Ninth Circuit, some cities have opted to suspend enforcement of their ordinances. The BDC’s policy tracker lists the policies that are officially recorded by their municipal governments, but cannot reflect up-to-date information about enforcement status.

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  • By Specific Date: existing building policy or ordinance that changes overtime, typically related to an emissions intensity target
  • New Construction: new buildings, but typically includes additions and substantial remodels, as defined by each jurisdiction, that trigger new construction rules
  • Remodel/Renovation: rules that apply when an identified threshold (e.g. square footage impacted, project cost) is met without triggering new construction rules
  • Upon Equipment Replacement: in an existing building, electrification of specific systems or appliances

*Please note: only adopted policies or municipal practices that address fuel types and building emissions are included, energy efficiency-only and​non-binding targets are tracked nor contribute to the total.  Some jurisdictions have multiple policies but are only counted once in the above totals.  

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Efforts outside of the U.S.

  • Austria: No gas heating in new construction after 2023. No fossil heating replaced after 2035.  Phase out all fossil fuel heating by 2040.
  • European Union: No more fossil fuel boiler subsidies after 2026.
  • Zurich, Switzerland: No gas or oil heating in new buildings after 2025, cannot be installed in existing buildings by 2035. 
  • The Netherlands:
    • Phase out: To ban fossil heating, require heat pumps (hybrid allowed) by 2026. 
    • Gas heating end date: each of the 355 municipalities has been charged with creating a plan by the end of 2021 to replace 100% of the natural gas used for heat with low-carbon alternatives nationwide by 2050.
  • Ireland: Not electrification specific, this comprehensive scheme is intended to expedite and financially ease the energy upgrades of 500,000 homes by 2030.


  • Quebec, Canada: No new buildings with oil-powered heating as of January 2022. No oil-powered heating replacements allowed as of January 2024. 
  • Vancouver, BC, Canada: Proposed language requiring electrification at time of replacement or renovation on existing detached homes and a provision that all air-conditioning units must also provide heat.
  • Victoria, BC, Canada:   By July 2025, all new buildings in the city will be required to meet a zero carbon standard as part of their step code.
