The result of a year-long stakeholder process conducted by more than 20 government, utility, business, and nonprofit stakeholders, the New Mexico Building Decarbonization Roadmap reflects a collective expression of stakeholder policy recommendations to accelerate the elimination of greenhouse gas emissions from the state’s residential and small commercial buildings by 2050.
Download the Roadmap:
The Roadmap addresses building decarbonization—the process of reducing the greenhouse gas emissions that result from a building’s operations by making energy efficiency improvements, reducing energy use, replacing fossil fuel appliances with all-electric alternatives, and supplying the building with clean electricity.
Read the press release: English, Spanish
The aim of the Roadmap is to create affordable, comfortable, healthy, efficient, and resilient homes for all New Mexicans, prioritizing low-income, disadvantaged, and Tribal communities.
It focuses on residential and small commercial building decarbonization because emissions from those buildings most directly affect New Mexicans where they work and live.
The Roadmap envisions eliminating all operational greenhouse gas emissions from New Mexico’s residential and small commercial buildings by 2050 and offers the following priorities to accelerate this vision.
- Develop on-bill options to reduce upfront equipment costs;
- Prioritize cash incentives at point of sale;
- Provide free training on building decarbonization technologies to licensed tradespeople;
- Strengthen gas planning at the Public Regulation Commission to enable a future clean heat standard;
- Explore beneficial electrification rate design at the Public Regulation Commission; and,
- Support grid modernization efforts and distribution system upgrades.
Download the Roadmap:
The Roadmap includes the following acknowledgement:
“This Roadmap represents a starting point and a collective expression of shared views by participating organizations rather than an account of each organization’s position on every issue. Although there may not be full alignment on each issue contained herein, participating organizations agree the Roadmap provides a reasonable foundation upon which to accelerate the elimination of operational greenhouse gas emissions from residential and small commercial buildings in New Mexico.”
Roadmap Participants
350 New Mexico, Advanced Energy United, Center for Civic Policy, City of Albuquerque, Coalition for Clean Affordable Energy, Coalition of Sustainable Communities New Mexico, El Paso Electric, Housing New Mexico MFA, Kit Carson Electric Cooperative, New Mexico Attorney General’s Office, New Mexico Climate Investment Center, New Mexico Department of Finance Administration, New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, New Mexico Home Solutions, New Mexico People’s Energy Cooperative, New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department, New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Prosperity Works, Public Service Company of New Mexico, Rheem, Renewable Energy Industries Association of New Mexico, Sierra Club, Southwest Energy Efficiency Project, Southwestern Public Service Company, an Xcel Energy company, Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association, and Western Resource Advocates. (Staff from the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission joined the stakeholder meetings solely in a consulting capacity.)
Roadmap Sponsors and Facilitator
In addition to these participants, the Building Decarbonization Coalition and the Natural Resources Defense Council sponsored the project, and Gridworks facilitated the stakeholder process.