Summary of Zero Emission Building Ordinances in California
December 13, 2022Link to Sierra Club newsletter summarizing local ordinances limiting natural gas in buildings. Sierra Club DOWNLOAD NOW
Reach Code Introduction and Process
October 13, 2021Link to BayREN site providing background and development/approval processes for reach codes. BayREN, Fall 2021 DOWNLOAD NOW
Building Decarbonization Code Overlay for IECC and ASHRAE
August 1, 2021The Building Decarbonization Code is a code overlay compatible with the most common energy codes in the US: the International [...]
Cost-Effectiveness Study: Existing Single Family Residential Building Upgrades
June 11, 2021The primary objective of the evaluation is to identify cost-effective energy upgrade measures and packages for existing singl [...]
Cost-Effectiveness Explorer
May 1, 2021This tool allows you to dive into the cost-effectiveness findings relevant to your City or County. California Energy Codes an [...]