Local Government Policy Calculator
October 13, 2021BayREN's Local Government Policy Calculator is a customizable tool to help guide local governments in the development of ener [...]
Bay Area Energy Atlas
July 1, 2021Bay Area Regional Energy Network's Energy Atlas provides mapped data on existing buildings in the 9 counties of the San Franc [...]
Cost-Effectiveness Study: Existing Single Family Residential Building Upgrades
June 11, 2021The primary objective of the evaluation is to identify cost-effective energy upgrade measures and packages for existing singl [...]
Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Resources
June 1, 2021This page is a collection of resources to help you understand the rules and codes that apply when building an ADU in Californ [...]
Cost-Effectiveness Explorer
May 1, 2021This tool allows you to dive into the cost-effectiveness findings relevant to your City or County. California Energy Codes an [...]
Climate-Friendly Buildings: A New Construction Guide to Support Santa Monica’s Energy Reach Code
April 1, 2021This guide supports compliance with the Santa Monica Energy Reach Code by providing guidance for meeting all of the Reach Cod [...]