Measure Electrification Impacts – EPA Tool Finder
December 13, 2020The Find Your Tool lookup from the US EPA helps local and state governments find tools and resources which measure the enviro [...]
Model All Electric Ordinance – Amends Title 24 Part 6
November 1, 2020Model ordinance amending the Energy Code to require all-electric construction for the most common occupancy types. Supplement [...]
Reach Code Map and Table of Adopted Ordinances
June 13, 2020Link to map and summary table of CECadopted reach codes in California. California Energy Codes and Standards Program, June 20 [...]
Legal Pathways to Deep Decarbonization
May 13, 2020Searchable database of legal pathways to reduce fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions. Environmental Law Institute, Ma [...]
Fuel Switching: State by State Summary
May 1, 2020Where and how is fuel switching (electrification) legal to require, incentivize or otherwise promote? The State Policies and [...]
Benefits of an All-Electric Lifestyle: San Jose
May 1, 2020Flyer presenting benefits of all-electric residences. City of San Jose, May 2020 DOWNLOAD NOW