Effects of Residential Gas Appliances on Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality and Public Health in California
April 1, 2020This report contributes to a growing body of research quantifying the air quality and health impacts from the use of gas appl [...]
Resiliency Strategy: Peninsula Clean Energy
January 23, 2020Resiliency strategy outlining Peninsula Clean Energy's planning for programs to provide energy resiliency in the event of gri [...]
Medical Resolution Regarding Dangers of Gas Stove Use
December 7, 2019Resolution from the Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS) informing physicians, health care providers, and the public that Cook [...]
Cooking with Gas Can Harm Children
July 15, 2019A systematic review of the literature finds that cooking with natural gas increases nitrogen dioxide, degrades indoor air qua [...]
Tenant Protection Principles & SOMAH Case Study- San Joaquin Valley Pilots
January 30, 2019Proposed principles for tenant protections under the Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing Program. These principles are ap [...]
Gas Cooking and Childhood Respiratory Health
June 25, 2013Scholarly article on the impacts of gas cooking on children's health. This meta-analysis provides quantitative evidence that, [...]