City Resilience Index
January 1, 2018The City Resilience Index is a tool for cities to explore and evaluate their own resilience and help them understand and resp [...]
Green Building Policy for Public Buildings: San Mateo County
December 5, 2017Policy requiring ZNE and LEED for all new County buildings over 10,000 sf. Includes infeasibility exceptions. San Mateo Count [...]
Municipal Building Sustainability Policy: Santa Monica
July 10, 2017Policy and procedures for sustainable municipal construction, including Zero Net Energy and water requirements. City of Santa [...]
Climate Change Guidelines: OPR and CEQA Guidance
January 1, 2017Excerpt from State CEQA guidelines regarding the development of climate action plans and climate elements of general plans. I [...]
Resolution Requiring City Buildings to be Zero Net Energy: City of Hayward
December 13, 2016Hayward City Council resolution requiring Zero Net Energy (ZNE) for all municipal new construction and major renovation and Z [...]
Code Compliance Upon Sale Ordinance: San Rafael Staff Report & Cost Study
December 5, 2016Documents enacting San Rafael's requirements for residential code compliance reporting at the point of sale. Includes ordinan [...]
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