PAYS On-Bill Financing Energy and Water Case Study: Windsor
July 13, 2020Case study of Windsor’s Pay as You Save (PAYS) on-bill financing program for energy and water savings. (USDOE, July 2020) Sup [...]
Net Zero by 2030 Climate Action Plan: Menlo Park
July 13, 2020City of Menlo Park Climate Action Plan (first draft) calls for climate neutrality by 2030. The focus includes natural gas, el [...]
Energy SOP for Building Design
July 1, 2020Energy SOP for Building Design. Energy-Related Plan Review for municipal facility projects. Defines procedures for incorporat [...]
Reach Code Cost-Effectiveness Study: Midrise Residential New Construction
June 22, 2020This report documents cost-effective combinations of measures that exceed the minimum state requirements, the 2019 Building E [...]
Reach Code Map and Table of Adopted Ordinances
June 13, 2020Link to map and summary table of CECadopted reach codes in California. California Energy Codes and Standards Program, June 20 [...]
Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE)
June 1, 2020Link to Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE), a searchable database of climate adaptation policies and practices. Cli [...]
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