Energy/Water Nexus Cost Effectiveness Study
October 22, 2019Cost-effectiveness study of measures that local jurisdictions could consider requiring to achieve energy and water savings be [...]
Reach Code Cost-Effectiveness Study: Low-Rise Residential New Construction
July 17, 2019Analysis documenting cost-effective combinations of measures that exceed the minimum state requirements for design in newly-c [...]
Cooking with Gas Can Harm Children
July 15, 2019A systematic review of the literature finds that cooking with natural gas increases nitrogen dioxide, degrades indoor air qua [...]
Residential Cooktop Performance and Energy Comparison Study
July 13, 2019This technical study compares the performance and energy use profiles of residential cooktops, both gas and electric. Frontie [...]
Decarbonizing Space and Water Heating in Temperate Climates
July 7, 2019Scholarly article that builds the case for why energy efficiency with electrification of heating is the most likely path to a [...]
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