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Showing Articles In: Reports

Grid Cost and Total Emissions Reductions Through Mass Deployment of Geothermal Heat Pumps for Building Heating and Cooling Electrification in the United States

Grid Cost and Total Emissions Reductions Through Mass Deployment of Geothermal Heat Pumps for Building Heating and Cooling El [...]

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Embodied Carbon Building Code

Embodied Carbon Building Code: An overlay of model code language for limiting the climate impact of building products introdu [...]

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Residential Building Electrification in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic

Residential Building Electrification in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic: Criteria Pollutant and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Poten [...]

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Companies Succeed, Communities Benefit

Companies Succeed, Communities Benefit aims to help companies create successful federal funding applications that demonstrate [...]

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How Blackouts during Heat Waves Amplify Mortality and Morbidity Risk

How Blackouts during Heat Waves Amplify Mortality and Morbidity Risk highlights the need for enhanced electrical grid resilie [...]

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National Building Pollution Report

National Building Pollution Report highlights that harmful pollutants from the building sector (such as nitrogen oxides and c [...]

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