Reach Code Impacts, High-Rise Residential and Nonresidential Model Ordinance
September 25, 2019Estimated impacts of model reach code per building by climate zone - high-rise residential and nonresidential. California Ene [...]
RFP for Energy Retrofit Design Build Contract: Santa Cruz
September 13, 2019RFP for development, implementation, and monitoring of a comprehensive infrastructure modernization and utility savings progr [...]
Reach Code, Energy/Water Nexus, Staff Report Template
August 25, 2019Staff report template for energy/water nexus reach code. Santa Clara County and California Energy Codes and Standards Program [...]
Reach Code, Energy/Water Nexus Model Code
August 25, 2019Model ordinance language for energy and water nexus efficiency measures in newly constructed buildings. Supplemental Material [...]
Electrification Element of a Climate Action Plan: Sunnyvale
August 1, 2019Excerpt from Sunnyvale's climate action plan specifying building electrification as a policy objective. August 2019 DOWNLOAD [...]
Natural Gas Moratorium Ordinance: Berkeley
July 23, 2019Berkeley ordinance establishing natural gas moratorium for newly constructed buildings. Applies to all zoning use permits. Su [...]
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