Measure Electrification Impacts – EPA Tool Finder
December 13, 2020The Find Your Tool lookup from the US EPA helps local and state governments find tools and resources which measure the enviro [...]
Health Effects from Gas Stove Pollution
December 13, 2020Detailed report on the effects of gas cooking with policy recommendations. RMI, May 2020 DOWNLOAD NOW
Mobilizing for a zero carbon America: Jobs, jobs, jobs, and more jobs
July 29, 2020This report, based on an extensive industrial and engineering analysis of what such a decarbonization would entail, demonstra [...]
Building Rating
June 1, 2020Link to Institute for Market Transformation, providing resources for benchmarking. Institute for Market Transformation, June [...]
Professional Standards for Residential Upgrades
May 13, 2020Link to NREL site providing professional standards for residential upgrades. Standard Work Specifications (SWS) are a major c [...]
Legal Pathways to Deep Decarbonization
May 13, 2020Searchable database of legal pathways to reduce fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions. Environmental Law Institute, Ma [...]
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