Power Purchase Agreement Checklist for State and Local Governments: NREL
October 13, 2019This fact sheet provides information and guidance on the solar photovoltaic (PV) power purchase agreement (PPA), which is a f [...]
Induction Cooking Factsheet
September 13, 2019Factsheet for consumers on the benefits of inductive ranges/ stovetops. Ecology Center, September 2019 DOWNLOAD NOW
A Guidebook on Equitable Clean Energy Program Design for Local Governments and Partners
September 1, 2019This guidebook introduces a process and principles that local governments and their partners can use to design equitable clea [...]
Cooking with Gas Can Harm Children
July 15, 2019A systematic review of the literature finds that cooking with natural gas increases nitrogen dioxide, degrades indoor air qua [...]
Residential Cooktop Performance and Energy Comparison Study
July 13, 2019This technical study compares the performance and energy use profiles of residential cooktops, both gas and electric. Frontie [...]
Building Electrification Primer for City-Utility Coordination
July 1, 2019A detailed building electrification primer in presentation form starting with the basics of building electrification and divi [...]
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