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Showing Articles In: National

Cooking with Gas Can Harm Children

A systematic review of the literature finds that cooking with natural gas increases nitrogen dioxide, degrades indoor air qua [...]

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Residential Cooktop Performance and Energy Comparison Study

This technical study compares the performance and energy use profiles of residential cooktops, both gas and electric. Frontie [...]

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Building Electrification Primer for City-Utility Coordination

A detailed building electrification primer in presentation form starting with the basics of building electrification and divi [...]

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All Electric, Zero Emissions Multifamily Construction Guide

Report on all-electric multifamily construction, including benefits, case studies and technical guidance. Redwood Energy, Jul [...]

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Buying Clean Electricity: How Cities Benefit From Power Purchase Agreements

This brief provides an overview of PPAs, introduces important considerations for cities, and provides examples of PPAs used b [...]

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Moving Energy Codes Forward: A Guide for Cities and States

This guide presents the case for reach codes and provides resources to help with development and adoption. New Buildings Inst [...]

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